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What tactics will get you to victory?
The memory system is half the battle
To become a good memory player, it is important to train your memory skills. The so-called globe memory system is based on imagination. The cards are laid out in an 8 x 8 square, but mentally a globe is placed underneath.
It is purely a matter of practice to assign a zone to the countries, similar to a chessboard, and already cards can be assigned to a region. If now a card, for example with a cat on it, is uncovered, this is assigned mentally to the country "Egypt".
As a mnemonic, it is now imagined that the apple is on top of a pyramid. The image is created in the brain and is stored. As soon as the second apple is uncovered, the brain falls back on the memorized pyramid and the pair is found.
Strategies for victory
However, to actually become a good memory player, you still need a good game strategy. The implementation of the strategy in memory requires that all cards are stored in the head without errors. As soon as it is a player's turn, the pairs that are already known are first revealed.
Now there are two methods. Variant one is to reveal new cards, similar to children, to gain more knowledge about hidden cards. The second, safer method is to reveal an old card when the counterpart is already known.
In case of doubt, there is also the possibility of intentionally making a wrong move to force the opponents to make a move first. This way, more cards are revealed and the player has better knowledge about hidden cards.
Remembering with associations
Associations are the basis of the game. If the player thinks up stories about the cards, he will be able to remember more than one card and thus, based on the globe position described above, to clear the pairs.
Example: Based on the positioning on the mental globe, the picture of the dog is in Italy, in the region of the boot. The dog can be memorized relatively easily with such a story. As soon as the second dog is now uncovered, it can easily be found on the first symbol.
Brain training for better playing
To really become a master in memory it is advisable to train the brain again and again. There are good opportunities for this on the Internet as well as offline. For example, games like "I'm packing my suitcase" are a good way to support mental story building.
This game requires at least two players to mentally pack a suitcase. After the first person has mentally packed a piece into the suitcase, the second person must repeat that piece and then add one of their own. The game continues until someone forgets to pack one of the parts.
In this way, mental retentiveness is trained and stimulated. Stories have to be formed in the brain in no time at all, representing a chain of associations. For example, if there are pants, a memory game and a balloon in the suitcase, the memory story could look like this: Dressed in pants, two people play memory and the winner receives a balloon.