We have gathered essential details about 41NBC | WMGT in Macon on this page, including its location, contact information, email, and website link. The business hours are indicated, but for peace of mind, verify on the website.
- Company Name:41NBC | WMGTState:GeorgiaCounty:Bibb CountyCity:MaconStreet:301 Poplar StZIP:31201Branche:Advertising-TelevisionEmployee:25Salesvol:4,075,000.00
- Office Hours:Sunday: Closed
Monday: 08:30 am - 05:30 pm
Tuesday: 08:30 am - 05:30 pm
Wednesday: 08:30 am - 05:30 pm
Thursday: 08:30 am - 05:30 pm
Friday: 08:30 am - 05:30 pm
Saturday: Closed
301 Poplar St, Macon, GA 31201
If you need to ask any questions about 41NBC | WMGT, you can contact George Jobin, at 41NBC | WMGT by using the phone numbers provided or by checking the contact information on 41NBC | WMGT's homepage. This corporation has an 3.5 rating that is unsatisfactory. Use "My Route" to determine the quickest route to 41NBC | WMGT at 301 Poplar St in Macon.
For more information about 41NBC | WMGT products and services, you can directly communicate with George Jobin. Many people who have used 41NBC | WMGT's services have already rated it. This company is among the few (5.0%) in the surrounding region with a LinkedIn presence.
Call (478) 745-4141 if you're located outside Bibb County and want more information about 41NBC | WMGT. George Jobin, of 41NBC | WMGT, or another representative will be available to answer your questions.
If you are not located in the same country, send your written communications to 41NBC | WMGT through the international fax (478) 742-2626 or email. If you have a Advertising-Television business in Macon or in any other location in Bibb County, and it isn't listed here yet, you can submit it via [Add company] in the menu.