Zip code area 39762 in Mississippi State, Oktibbeha County, MS
- State:MississippiCounties:Oktibbeha CountyCities:Mississippi StateCounty FIPS:28105Area total:1.227 sq miArea land:1.227 sq miElevation:404 feet
- Latitude:33,4554Longitude:-88,791Dman name cbsa:Starkville MSTimezone:Central Standard Time Zone (CST), UTC-6:00; Central Daylight Time (CDT), UTC-5:00Coordinates:33.45273, -88.79521GMAP:
Mississippi 39762, USA
- Population:3,541 individualsPopulation density:43,007.68 people per square milesHouseholds:10Unemployment rate:17.8%Health insurance:8.3% of residents who report not having health insurance
The ZIP 39762 is a South ZIP code and located in the preferred city/town Mississippi State, Oktibbeha County, Mississippi. The preferred city may be different from the city where the zip code 39762 is located. Mississippi State is usually the name of the main post office. When sending a package or mail, always indicate your preferred or accepted cities. Using any city from the list of invalid cities may result in delays.
Mississippi State is the primary city, acceptable cities are Ms State, obsolete and unacceptable cities or spellings are Miss State, Mississippi State University, MS ST, Ms State Univ, Msu, State College.
Living in the postal code area 39762 of Mississippi State, Oktibbeha County, Mississippi 31.4% of population who are male and 68.6% who are female.
The median age for all people, for males & for females based on 2020 Census data. Median is the middle value, when all possible values are listed in order. Median is not the same as Average (or Mean).
The median commute time of resident workers require for a one-way commute to work in minutes.
The distribution of different age groups in the population of the zip code area of Mississippi State, Oktibbeha County 39762.
The percentage distribution of the population by race.
The percentage of education level of the population.
Oktibbeha County
- State:MississippiCounty:Oktibbeha CountyZips:39760,39769,39762,39759Coordinates:33.42495330398743, -88.8793052693548Area total:461.93 sq. mi., 1196.40 sq. km, 295636.48 acresArea land:458.24 sq. mi., 1186.83 sq. km, 293272.96 acresArea water:3.69 sq. mi., 9.57 sq. km, 2363.52 acresEstablished:1833Capital seat:
Address: 101 E Main St
County Courthouse
Starkville, MS 39759-2927
Governing Body: Board of Supervisors with 5 board size
Governing Authority: Home Rule
Oktibbeha County, Mississippi, United States
- Website:
- Population:51,788; Population change: 8.64% (2010 - 2020)Population density:113 persons per square mileHousehold income:$30,195Households:17,361Unemployment rate:7.60% per 22,096 county labor force
- Sales taxes:7.00%Income taxes:5.00%GDP:$1.59 B, gross domestic product (GDP)
Oktibbeha County's population of Mississippi of 19,119 residents in 1930 has increased 2,71-fold to 51,788 residents after 90 years, according to the official 2020 census. U.S. Bureau of the Census beginning in 1900. Data for 1870-1890 are on a de facto or unspecified basis; data for 1900 and later years are resident totals.
Approximately 49.07% female residents and 50.93% male residents live in as of 2020, 44.02% in Oktibbeha County, Mississippi are married and the remaining 55.98% are single population.
As of 2020, 44.02% in Oktibbeha County, Mississippi are married and the remaining 55.98% are single population.
- Housing units:25,372 residential units of which 82.81% share occupied residential units.
18.8 minutes is the average time that residents in Oktibbeha County require for a one-way commute to work. A long commute can have different effects on health. A Gallup poll in the US found that in terms of mental health, long haul commuters are up to 12 percent more likely to experience worry, and ten percent less likely to feel well rested. The Gallup poll also found that of people who commute 61–90 minutes each day, a whopping one third complained of neck and back pain, compared to less than a quarter of people who only spend ten minutes getting to work.
79.92% of the working population which commute to work alone in their car, 13.20% of the working population which commutes to work in a carpool, 0.76% of the population that commutes using mass transit, including bus, light rail, subway, and ferry. 1.88% of the population that has their home as their principal place of work.
Of the total residential buildings in Oktibbeha County, Mississippi 49.08% are owner-occupied homes, another 39.82% are rented apartments, and the remaining 11.10% are vacant.
The 49.23% of the population in Oktibbeha County, Mississippi who identify themselves as belonging to a religion are distributed among the following most diverse religions.
Since the 1860s, the two main parties have been the Republican Party (here in 2022 = 49.600%) and the Democratic Party (here in 2022 = 49.630%) of those eligible to vote in Oktibbeha County, Mississippi.
Mississippi State
- State:MississippiCounty:Oktibbeha CountyCity:Mississippi StateCounty FIPS:28105Coordinates:33°27′25″N 88°47′32″WArea total:2.35 sq mi (6.10 km²)Area land:2.34 sq mi (6.06 km²)Area water:0.02 sq mi (0.04 km²)
- Latitude:33,4554Longitude:-88,791Dman name cbsa:Starkville, MSTimezone:Eastern Standard Time (EST) UTC-5:00; Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) UTC-4:00ZIP codes:39762GMAP:
Mississippi State, Oktibbeha County, Mississippi, United States
- Population:4,968Population density:2,124.89 residents per square mile of area (820.37/km²)
Mississippi State, Mississippi is a census-designated place in Oktibbeha County, Mississippi, United States. It is the official designated name for the area encompassing Mississippi State University, which lies partly in nearby Starkville. The population at the 2020 census was 4,968. The US Census treats Hispanic/Latino as an ethnic category. This table excludes Latinos from the racial categories and assigns them to a separate category. Hispanics/Latinos can be of any race. Coordinates and Maps: 33.45704°N 88.79223°W / 33. 45704; -88.79224°W. United States Postal Service designation is "Mississ Mississippi State, Miss 39762" United States Census Bureau designation is "Mississippi State, Mississippi, Mississippi 39762", which means "State of Mississippi" or "Missouri State" in the U.S. Census Bureau designates a place as "Census Designated Place" with a population of 4,000 to 5,000. This is the only place in the state to have been included in the US Census Bureau's definition of "census-designate place" as a place with more than 1,000 residents. The name is also used by the University of Mississippi, which is based in Starkville, Mississippi. The city's ZIP code is 39762, and the post office is "Starkville", which has a ZIP code of 39762.
Mississippi State is the primary city name, but also Ms State are acceptable city names or spellings, Miss State, Mississippi State University, MS ST, Ms State Univ, Msu, State College on the other hand no longer accepted or obsolete and are no longer used as a designation. Note: the US Census treats Hispanic/Latino as an ethnic category. This table excludes Latinos from the racial categories and assigns them to a separate category. Hispanics/Latinos can be of any race. 2020 census will be the first time Latinos have been included in the racial category since the 1950s. The US Census will be held on November 4, 2020. The population will be more than 100 million people. The U.S. population is expected to reach 100 million by the end of the decade. The 2020 census is the first ever to be conducted on the first day of the year. It will take place on November 8, 2020, in Washington, D.C. and will be followed by a follow-up on November 15, 20, and 20, 20. It is expected that Latinos will make up the majority of the population in the next few years. The number of Latinos in the United States will reach a record-high of 1.9 million in the 2020 census. The figure is based on the 2010 US Census, which was the most recent available data. It was based on a population survey conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) from 2000 to 2010. The 2010 census was the first to include Latinos as a racial category. The BLS uses the term "Hispanic" to refer to people who are of any racial or ethnic origin. It also includes "Latino" as a separate term for those who are not of any particular race. The census will also include a new category of "American Indians" in the 2015 census.
Mississippi State's population in Oktibbeha County, Mississippi of 8,483 residents in 1930 has dropped 0,59-fold to 4,968 residents after 120 years, according to the official 2020 census.